About Experience Education

If we talk about my eduation, I have studied at Phum 2 primary for 6 years, in Kroch Chhmar High school for 6 years, about my rank since I was study in shcolol, mostly my rank between 10-5 in my class.

Here some iformation about my school

Kroch Chhmar high school

I start to study in Kroch Chhhmar in 2015-2019, my adult was awesome and happy to have many friends from different province, this school has created since around 1980, Reconstrution when i stuying in grade 7, adn about this resconstruction it has sponsored by around country especailly from His Excellency Jea Sophara. and old studet form this school.

Phum 2 primary school

I start to study in Phum 2 school in 2015-2019, my childhood was awesome and happy to have many friends from different province, this school is nearly my home, i have alot of memroy there and also my chilhood there is awesome that i can not forget, include happy and sad, and also we paly popular games with happy regardless boy or girl, black or white

PNC university

I start to studying in PNC school since 2020, when i studying here i am so happy because i have learn alot of thing especailly firendship, when i arrived i was excited, because it my first in Pnom Phenh city, and we play play alot of games that teacher prepare for us to play together, because of this game can make us now each other faster than we think,